2010...un an bun chiar daca multe mai "nebune" s-au intamplat. Un cutremur devastator in Haiti, vulcanul E-12 din Islanda a erupt, 33 mineri prinsi la 700 metri sub pamant.... Dar asa cum as vrea sa fim mereu cu totii, omul e invingator intotdeauna, se ridica, se scutura de "praf" si merge mai departe. Sper sa fiti puternici in fata intemperiilor, sa vi se indeplineasca cele mai arzatoare dorinte iar stelele sa fie usor de atins. Limita e cerul...pentru voi, in orice fel de dorinta! Numai de bine! Sa va fie anul minunat!
Multumesc celor care au citit randurile mele in tot acest an!
2010...A good year eventhough bad things happened. A devastating earthquake in Haiti, E-12 the vulcano erupted, 33 miners blocked 700 meters deep... but as I wish for all of you, the man always wins, he gets up shaking off all the bad things and keeps walking...I wish you all to be strong , the most desirable wish to come true and to reach the stars easily! Sky is the limit...for you, in every wish you have! All the best things to you and your family! May the next year be simply, The Best!
I thank you all, those who read my thoughts this year!